Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine is a medical system using many kinds of natural medicine such as herbal, acupuncture, homeopathy and any other treatment other than allopathic medicine. Alternative medicine is safe and without side effects. CCHH offers D.A.M. (Diploma of Alternative Medicine) affiliated with the Open International University. We aim to advance the scientific study and professional practice of Alternative Medicine and enhance the contribution of it by encouraging its development by promoting research and education.
Admission Requirements:
The Canadian College of Holistic Health is dedicated to selecting the most capable and promising applicants. All of the applicants who apply must meet academic requirements and are evaluated based on their previous academic performance. Since the language used will be English all students must be fluent in the English language.
For admission into the CCHH Alternative Medicine program, applicants must hold Bachelor Degree or its equivalent in courses from an accredited Canadian university. However degrees with an emphasis on science and healthcare will better equip the applicant for study in this field.
Prerequisite: BSc.
For more information please contact us.